Thursday 12 September 2013


Do you give any attention the people and events happening around you in any given day?  Are you so wrapped up in your own life and needs that you miss opportunities to make a difference in the world through random acts of kindness?  Are you easily embarrassed by stepping out of your comfort zone to help someone in need?

You may be surprised by the effect you can have on the world by overcoming your reluctance and stepping out in small ways to help fellow human beings.

According to a study by Stanford University psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky in 2005, students who carried out five random acts of kindness a week, reported higher levels of happiness than a control group. That I can understand; we feel good when we do good because we feel that we have made a positive contribution to society and we experience what psychologist call 'moral elevation'. But, can these good deeds really spread, and inspire recipients to perform their own acts of kindness?
Well, yes, apparently they can. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology recently, even reading about acts of kindness can evoke this moral elevation, never mind being the actual recipient of these acts. And people who have moral elevation are more likely to perform good deeds themselves. This is because if we feel we are 'good', we do 'good' things in order to reinforce this view of our self.
So, what are we all waiting for? We have the power to make the world a better place by one random act of kindness.
Source:  Huffington Post